“Sometimes I worried about myself because for 22 years I live in this country, but still I can't communicate with Tamil friends. I worry about that. But through this project, I saw one of the golden points. We communicate with our body language and performance. On the final day, there was a session only for the students. At that time I could understand art performance as a language. A lot can use it for their communication. There are no limits in the arts.”
- Sanduni, University of Peradeniya
“Specifically I noted that we learned about respecting other nations and their cultures. Ithink it was very important to develop our self. We tried to work with othe languages. Therefore it was a great chance to beaware other languages. I think that this combination was important for our future work.”
-Dilushika, Uiversity of Peradeniya
Eastern and Jaffna reflections coming soon...